Thought for the Day

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Swim Lessons

Ethan and Alys have been taking swim lessons for the last couple of weeks and are having lots of fun.  I'm really proud of them, they just jump right in listen to their instructors.  Alys enjoys going under water to get dive rings, while learning to float and kick.  Ethan loves going under water and learning new things.  He had a different instructor one day and at the end of the class I thought they were going to go down the slide.  The next thing I know there's Ethan standing on the low dive!  I was amazed that he was ready to do that.  He thought it was great and went two or three times.  Now he's wondering when he gets to try the high dive!  Benjamin is a trooper and goes to watch with me.  Hopefully we'll have him in lessons this fall while the others are in school.

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