Thought for the Day

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Great Birthday!

On August 12th I turned...well, let's say 30 something.  Ethan said 29 so he rocks!  Anyway, it was a wonderful day and week.  It started off with "Happy Birthday"s from Woody and the kids and that always gives you warm fuzzies to know that they thought of you.  Everyone in my family also called to give their wishes.  My Mom took me out to lunch and my sister and sister-in-law joined us as well.  It was wonderful!  We ate at a place called Costa Vida, which is basically mexican food with a tropical flare.  Yum! Yum!  After the kids' swim lessons I was treated to a massage.  I realized I need to do that more often...I don't remember the last time I felt that relaxed.  That evening, the kids stayed with grandma and grandpa and Woody took me to dinner and a movie.  I haven't done that in a while either!  We went to a place called Epi's.  It's a Basque restaurant.  It was something we've never had before, but very good!  And it's just another one of those cute hole in the wall places.  We went and saw Indiana Jones which was pretty good.  Of course we had popcorn and a drink even though we were stuffed.  To finish off the week, Woody and the kids made an Italian Cream cake for me with homemade ice cream.  It was good!  They each gave me the perfect card with the perfect gifts.  While the gifts were all wonderful it was just  so great to be able to spend time with so many people that I love and just knowing that they thought of me on this day.  This is definitely one I will remember.  Many thanks to everyone!


Laree said...

Did you know I'm seriously addicted to Costa Vita? Actually, the only one in all of Texas is in Colleville, just up the road from our church building. I love it!

Happy Birthday!

Jon, Launa, & boys said...

Hey, what a good friend am I?! Happy belated birthday Charlene!! I will return the favor and kick myself for a little bit. That sounds like a wonderful day-good for you.