Thought for the Day

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Laughing Cows?

Haven't you ever heard cows laughing?  Some years ago in my days of travel, I experienced Laughing Cow cheese.  I was probably on a flight to Europe and sitting in first class, and dreaming.  This was at a time when I could afford first class because I worked for American Airlines/Sabre.  Anyway, I remember getting this little wedge of cheese and thinking, "What the heck is this?"  I don't eat too many funky cheeses, but tried this one and it is really good.  If you've never had it is a creamy Swiss, but not as strong a taste as regular Swiss cheese.  You can find it in the grocery stores where they have the special cheeses and it comes in a small circular box.  I thought of it the other day and wanted to try it again, so I got some.  As I took it out to slather on a cracker, my kids asked about it.  So, me and my practical jokes on my kids, explained that it was 'Laughing Cow Cheese' and when you eat it, it makes you laugh.  They thought I was crazy, for a moment.  They wanted to try it, so we did a taste test.  They were already starting to laugh because they thought I was just being silly.  As they took a bite they started to grin and chuckle and then I started to laugh.  They also began to laugh and wanted more.  At this point, I'm laughing just because they believed me.  Woody was sitting nearby and we both started cracking up.  Needless to say, we were all laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.  So, the next time you want a good laugh, try some 'Laughing Cow Cheese'.  You just might crack up!  And kids, I love you so much!  Thanks for believing in my laughing cows and when you're old enough to read this or realize that mom was just kidding you can beat me up then.

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