Thought for the Day

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween and the Corn Maze

This year the kids were definitely looking forward to Halloween.  Ethan definitely knew he wanted to be a policeman.  Alys started off by wanting to be a princess and use her dress up clothes.  However, that changed from a princess to a fairy with wings and ended up being a ladybug.  Benjamin, well he was going to be a fireman, but we ran into a little resistance when it came time to wear his costume.  So, I think he got away with a fire hat.  I'm glad it was a combination of small items and not a fancy costume!
It had also been a long day.  We decided to visit a place called Linder Farms and do some fun activities there.  We got there shortly after it opened and it was great.  Because it was Halloween day, it was not very busy so it was nice and relaxing.  They had bounce houses, a cow train ride, straw maze, corn maze, food, etc.  The kids had a lot of fun as did we.
 After a little fun at the farm, we rushed home to have a snack and head off to church for our chili cook-off/trunk-or-treat.  Unfortunately, by the time we got there we were about 45minutes late and they were almost done!  So we rushed the kids around.
 Since we missed most of it, Woody took Ethan and Alys around the neighborhood a little once we got home.  Benjamin and I handed out candy since he was still being a pickle and very tired!  I had also made some chili for the cook-off the night before and that didn't make it either.  Woody was great and said it was fabulous though.  After a long day the kids were still excited and probably would've eaten at least half of their candy if we would've let them.  I think they had a great day!

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