Thought for the Day

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Do-Rag

Alys, we just love her and her style of fashion!  She found a handkerchief that I had and it was pink of course.  She wanted to know what it was used for, so I showed her how to wear it.  Now if it's not called a do-rag you can all tease me..., since I wear them all the time!?  NOT!  This is not her only fashion statement.  One day, we were all going to Lowe's to get some items.  Everyone except Benjamin and I were in the car already.  As I was putting Bejamin's shoes on I noticed one of Alys' shoes that I thought she was wearing.  I didn't grab her shoe because knowing her I'd figured that she had just changed her shoes again.  As we're getting out of the car, out steps Alys with two different shoes on.  Dad was obviously embarrassed.  It still makes me laugh, I wish I had a picture.  

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